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Walpole Cross Keys Primary School


    We are looking for Parent Governors to join our governing body. If you have a passion for improving the life chances of children and can offer supportive challenge to the leadership of West Norfolk Academies Schools to help us to fulfil our vision, please let us know by by contacting the Clerk to Governors on 01553 600842 or register your interest…………………..

  • Clenchwarton Primary School

    School Crossing Patrol Vacancy



We may be small in size, but we have really big ideas and a positive and aspirational approach to ensure that we improve and impress! 

Being 8 miles away from the large town of King's Lynn, nestled at the heart of a rural village surrounded by wide open fields, we believe in celebrating our locality and community roots. This is demonstrated through our 'Rural Thread' which highlights the significance of valuing where we come from and how valuable we are to the wider world.

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